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Chicago Civil Attorney John Heiderscheidt Comments on Trump’s Bond Predicament

Chicago Civil Attorney John Heiderscheidt Comments on Trump's Bond Predicament

In February, Justice Arthur Engoron ruled against Donald Trump, imposing a penalty of over $350 million due to a year-long scheme to inflate his financial statements. This penalty increased to over $464 million with interest. Trump must post the entire $464 million bond by Monday, March 25.

As for the appeal, Trump has expressed his intention to challenge the judgment. However, under New York law, he must first pay the entire fine or secure a bond. His legal team have stated that despite their efforts, it has been nearly impossible to find a company willing to act as a guarantor for the full sum. Trump claimed to have secured nearly enough funds for collateral, but it remains to be seen whether he can meet the requirements.

This situation has led to speculation about Trump’s financial stability. Much of his fortune remains tied up in real estate and other assets. The outcome of this situation is still uncertain and will likely depend on the decisions of the courts and the success of Trump’s appeal.

As an experienced attorney, John Heiderscheidt says, “It is rare that a litigant in a civil case is required to post this much money to pursue an appeal, but until an appellate court steps in, Trump has few options but compliance.”

Immigration Attorney John Heiderscheidt Campaigned with Bob Fioretti on Primary Day

Attorney John Heiderscheidt campaigned with Bob Fioretti on Primary Day at Chicago’s iconic Manny’s Deli and The Billy Goat Tavern. Fioretti is the Republican candidate for Cook County State’s Attorney. Bob Fioretti previously served as alderman in the Chicago City Council for the 2nd Ward in 2007 and was re-elected in 2011. He is active in the Chicago community and has served on several boards including the Easterseals Board, which provides assistance for children with disabilities, and the George M. Pullman Educational Foundation.

As a Chicago native, Fioretti’s primary focus has been on providing higher quality education and strengthening communities. Bob Fioretti’s career spans law, public service, and educational advocacy. His dedication to community welfare continues to shape his goals for the City of Chicago. He has been involved in local politics for several years, advocating for various issues related to urban development, public safety, and community welfare.

For more information on Bob Fioiretti’s campaign, head over to

Supreme Court Temporarily Blocks Senate Bill 4

Photo courtesy of Christopher Connelly/ KERA News

The US Supreme Court has temporarily blocked a bill that could allow police in Texas to arrest people suspected of crossing the border illegally. Senate Bill 4 (SB4) is one of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s attempts to deter migrants from crossing the border. SB4 would allow local police officers to arrest anyone suspected of crossing into the US illegally. If SB4 goes into effect, the consequences for crossing the border illegally will result in arrest and up to six months in jail. 

Texas State lawmaker Victoria Neave Criado worries that if this bill gets passed, it could lead to racial profiling and discrimination. Criado also says that the decision to arrest an individual who may or may not be here illegally is not one that local law enforcement should be making. “Local police shouldn’t determine whether a person is here lawfully or not. That’s something that falls within the federal government,” said Criado.

John Heiderscheidt, an immigration lawyer who has assisted hundreds of migrants in the Chicagoland area, said “SB4 originating out of Texas inappropriately usurps federal jurisdiction over immigration issues. This cannot be done without a companion federal legislative rubric authorizing it.” 

John Heiderscheidt Attends Northshore Immigration Event

John Heiderscheidt Attends Northshore Immigration Event

On Tuesday evening, February 27, John Heiderscheidt attended North Shore community event “When the Road Stops Here”. This event was created by North Shore resident Jessica Seigel. Seigel founded the nonprofit organization called North Shore Neighbors Say Bienvenidos in an effort to help migrants. 

When the Road Stops Here featured several speakers, including NBC 5’s Sandra Torres. Torres shared her own story of migrating to the US from Columbia and spoke about the struggles her family faced. Other speakers were migrant families who shared their stories of life before coming to the US. 

Since August 2022, over 34,000 migrants have been bused to Chicago and surrounding suburbs from Texas. Shelters are overcrowded and buses are dropping migrants off in the northern suburbs with little to no resources. North Shore Neighbors Say Bienvenidos is volunteer operated and was created to assist newcomer families being bused to the northern suburbs from Texas. The organization provides resources for migrants as well as volunteer opportunities and ways community members can get involved. 

​With a turnout of over 400 people at the event, Attorney Heiderscheidt said, “It was encouraging to see so many people from the North Shore community take an interest in this situation which is turning quickly to a humanitarian disaster on an unacceptable scale.” 

Constant Changes to Immigration Law in American History

Constant Changes to Immigration Law in American History

Attorney John Heiderscheidt visited the National Archives this weekend. The Exhibit on Immigration at the National Archives, highlights how Immigration Law has constantly changed in American history, based on society’s attitudes towards migrants.

Located in Washington DC, the National Archives is home to the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and other historical records and exhibits. The National Archives also holds immigration documents such as passenger arrival lists, border crossings, and naturalization records.

In terms of immigration and American history, Heiderscheidt says, “During the course of American history, it has served our national interests well to maintain and allow for a charitable, open-minded immigration policy. We are a nation of immigrants. And we are better for it. However, we must take care to ensure that immigration does not override the well-being of the residents and citizens who have been here the longest. Those who arrived first have already made mighty contributions to our society, and it must be our nation’s chief priority to protect their well-being, even at the expense of some who have never been lawfully admitted.”

Attorney John Heiderscheidt Attends the West Suburban Chamber of Commerce and Industry Legislative Breakfast in Support of Bob Fioretti

Attorney John Heiderscheidt Attends the West Suburban Chamber of Commerce and Industry Legislative Breakfast in Support of Bob Fioretti

Attorney John Heiderscheidt attended the WSCCI (West Suburban Chamber of Commerce of Illinois) Legislative breakfast in support of Bob Fioretti. Attendees had the opportunity of listening to Cook County States Attorney candidates discuss a variety of topics. The WSCCI plays a vital role in connecting members of the community. As the chief prosecutor, the Cook County State’s Attorney plays a vital role in ensuring justice, maintaining public safety, and upholding the law in the county.

Bob Fioretti previously served as alderman in the Chicago City Council for the 2nd Ward in 2007 and was re-elected in 2011.  He is active in the Chicago community and has served on several boards including the Easterseals Board, which provides assistance for children with disabilities, and the George M. Pullman Educational Foundation.

Heiderscheidt, a prominent Chicago attorney, says “It was a pleasure to hear from the candidates about their different visions for the state’s attorney’s office. I believe Bob Fioretti is the best choice for Cook County, and hope he gets elected.”

For more information on Bob Fioretti’s campaign, visit: Home – Bob Fioretti for Cook County State’s Attorney

Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Colorado’s Push to Remove Trump from 2024 Election Ballot

On Thursday, February 9th, the US Supreme Court justices heard oral arguments regarding whether former President Donald Trump should be removed from Colorado’s primary ballot under the 14th Amendment for his alleged role in inciting the January 6, 2021 storming of the capitol. During these proceedings, Trump’s attorney John Mitchell, argued in front of the court. The case centers around whether Colorado has the right to strike Trump from the ballot due to his actions.

The Supreme Court justices appeared skeptical of removing Trump from the ballot, with some commentators suggesting that there could be five or more votes against Colorado’s position. The case has drawn significant attention and legal analysis, as it touches on constitutional and electoral matter.

After listening to the arguments, John W. Heiderscheidt said, “It seems virtually certain the Supreme Court will not allow Colorado to remove Trump from the ballot on the basis of an ‘insurrection’ claim.  They may, however, leave the door open for Congress to enact legislation under section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment after the election is over. Although they did not address insurrection much during oral argument, eventually, the U.S. Supreme Court will likely have to address what qualifies as insurrection or rebellion.”

John Heiderscheidt attends Economic Club of Chicago’s Event in Support of CPD Superintendent Larry Snelling

John Heiderscheidt attends Economic Club of Chicago's Event in Support of CPD Superintendent Larry Snelling

Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling spoke at the Economic Club of Chicago’s most recent event. Snelling addressed concerns with the City’s crime rates and the upcoming Democratic National Convention taking place in Chicago in August. Snelling says that as the superintendent of the CPD his main goal is keeping the City and citizens of Chicago at ease, as well as providing necessary training for Chicago police officers.

Superintendent Snelling has made it very clear that the Chicago Police Department is preparing for the Democratic National Convention. “When it comes to the Democratic National Convention, I want everybody to rest assured that we are working to make sure the city is safe and we have the best convention that we can possibly have”, he said.

In his speech, Snelling pointed out that the City is making great strides in fighting crimes. He pointed out that vehicle thefts are down 50%, and robberies are down 38%, compared to where they were last year at this time.

John Heiderscheidt expressed his support for Snelling saying, “I was pleased to hear Superintendent Snelling’s remarks. The City has a long way to go, but I believe his heart is in the right place, and that he cares for the well-being of Chicago residents.” 

Larry Snelling was appointed Superintendent of Chicago Police Department in September 2023. He has over 30 years of experience working with the Chicago Police Department. Snelling started out as a police officer in the community of Englewood in 1992.

Illinois Supreme Court Determining Whether the Odor of Cannabis is Cause for Vehicle Searches

Illinois Supreme Court Determining Whether the Odor of Cannabis is Cause for Vehicle Searches

The Illinois Supreme Court was presented with two cases of people getting pulled over and having their vehicles searched because officers smelled marijuana. In one case, the driver got pulled over for going three miles over the speed limit and having a loose license plate. Upon getting pulled over, the officer smelled cannabis and searched the vehicle. In both cases, the lawyers argued that the odor is not reason enough for vehicles to be searched because marijuana is legal in the state of Illinois.

​In September 2023, the Minnesota Supreme Court affirmed that marijuana odor is not reason enough for vehicles to be searched. State supreme courts in Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Vermont have determined that the odor of cannabis is not enough reason for a vehicle to be searched. In Wisconsin the state supreme court ruled in favor of searching a vehicle when the odor of cannabis is detected.

Attorney John Heiderscheidt says, “I am looking forward to an opinion from the State Supreme Court on this issue. Whether the odor of marijuana gives probable cause or reasonable suspicion for an encounter with law enforcement has turned into a problematic question for courts. I don’t think the Court will create a new ‘brightline’ rule, but I do believe they’ll clarify that the odor of cannabis no longer justifies probable cause in and of itself.” 


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